Does pineapple belong on pizza? This is a question the pizza-lover community has been debating for decades. Some are firmly in the “no, never” camp, while others staunchly defend the addition of sweet and tangy fruit to the pizza-topping pantheon. Although there might not be a “right” answer, the team at your favorite Concord and Penacook pizza shop is going to present both sides of the argument so you can decide for yourself.
Let’s start at the beginning with the origins of pineapple on pizza. Then, we’ll present the arguments for and against.
The First Hawaiian Pizza
In the scope of pizza history, pineapple is a relatively new addition. The first pineapple pizza is generally credited to a Greek restauranteur in Ontario, Canada, named Sam Panopoulos. That’s right, the pizza we know as “Hawaiian” has nothing to do with Hawaii other than its flavor profile. Mr. Panopoulos thought pineapple would pair well with salty, savory ham, and many people agreed with him.
The Science Behind the Flavors
Although most of the debate boils down to personal preference, there is science to back up the pro-pineapple pizza side. There are five basic categories of taste: sweet, savory, bitter, sour, and salty. Combining these tastes results in flavor enhancements you might not expect. When you combine sweet and salty, the sweetness actually tastes stronger. Scientifically speaking, combining pineapple and ham is no different than peanut butter and jelly or the increasingly ubiquitous salted caramel.
The Critics’ Claims
Those who oppose pineapple on pizza tend to take issue with the textures rather than the flavor, though there are plenty who don’t like sweet pizza. The mushy texture of pineapple clashes with the crust, and the juice from the fruit can make the pizza wet and soggy. Beyond the texture, if you’re a traditionalist, pineapple on pizza is unacceptable. If you go to Italy, the birthplace of pizza as we know it, you won’t find pineapple in any pizzeria.
Pizza the Way You Like It | Constantly Pizza in Concord & Penacook
What’s the verdict? It may not be a satisfying answer, but it’s really up to you. If you love pineapple in pizza, order our Hawaiian Surf pizza. If you think it has no place on your pizza, everything else on our menu is for you. It’s your pizza. Get it the way you like it!