Sometimes It’s Too Cold to Cook. Order Takeout Instead.

It’s been pretty cold in New Hampshire for the past couple of weeks, and it’s hard to motivate yourself to do anything when it’s 20 degrees outside and dark at 5 o’clock. When you get into your car after a long day at work or running errands, and you’re trying to stay warm, the last thing you want to do is make dinner. We completely understand the struggle. If you’ve decided it’s too cold to cook—whether it’s just for yourself or your whole family—it’s okay to order takeout from Constantly Pizza instead.


Cold weather is a perfectly valid reason for ordering takeout. Here’s why you should call Constantly Pizza when it’s cold outside.


Make the convenient choice.

When it’s dark and cold, there’s nothing wrong with making the convenient choice. Order a pizza, a sub, or a basket of chicken tenders, and give yourself the night off from cooking. If you have to cook for your family on a regular basis, you’ll appreciate the break. Don’t think of it as being lazy. Think of it as conserving your energy so you can stay warm and fend off the arctic chill we seem to be experiencing this winter.


Indulge in comfort food.

We’ve all rushed inside from the bitter cold, trying to remember what it feels like to be warm. If you need some help warming up, few things are better than comfort food. Whether your go-to comfort meal is pizza, a gourmet sub, or something fried, you’ll start to feel yourself thawing out after your first bite.


Treat yourself.

You’ve survived this much of the New Hampshire winter, and you deserve a treat. Some of us are still recovering from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, and this seemingly endless stretch of frigid weather isn’t helping! If you’re the kind of person who needs to justify an indulgence, look at the weather forecast for the next few weeks. You deserve some pizza.


Stay Warm with Takeout from Constantly Pizza!

We all need a little help getting through the winter. At Constantly Pizza, we’re here to do our part by providing delicious pizza, subs, and more. Do yourself a favor and order takeout this week. It’ll warm you right up!


Order online from our Concord and Penacook locations for added convenience!